Home > Research & development > Research and development projects > EU projects EU projects Ongoing projects Horizon Europe Horizon 2020 LIFE+ IPN LIFE SIP LIFE IP Interreg Programme EEA ERDF / European Regional Development Fund (In Finnish EAKR) EAFRD / European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EUROSTAT EMFF / European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (In Finnish EMKR, EMKVR) Other ongoing projects Completed projects Horizon Europe Towards monitoring genetic diversity in Finnish nature (GenMonFin), Aapo Kahilainen, 2024-2025 Reintroduction of landscape features in intensive agricultural areas (Laferia), Pasi Valkama, 2025-2028 Improving Monitoring for Better Integrated Climate and Biodiversity Approaches, Using Environmental and Earth Observations (BioClima), Saku Anttila, 2025-2027 Integrating innovations for the Protection and Restoration of European Lakes (FutureLakes), Laura Härkönen, 2024-2025 ENLIGHTtening future Schools to deliver BLUE Sustainability in Europe (BlueLightS), Ljudmila Vesikko, 2024-2027 Climate-Resilient Kymenlaakso: Pathways to Adaption and Collaborative Transformation (Pact4Resilience), Johan Munck af Rosenschöld, 2024-2026 Social-Ecological Analysis and models for Digital Twin Oceans (SEADITO), Heikki Peltonen, 2024-2027 Land-Sea Interface: Let's observe together! (LandSeaLot), Sampsa Koponen, 2024-2028 Aqua Research Infrastructure Services for the health and protection of our unique, oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystems (AQUARIUS), Jukka Seppälä, 2024-2028 Integrating observation programmes for biodiversity assessment (OBSGESSION), Petteri Vihervaara, 2024-2027 REinforce Science-Policy interfaces in innovative ways to boost effectiveness and INterconnectedness of biodiversity and climate policirs (RESPIN), Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, 2024-2027 Collaborative Action coordinating and enhancing systemic, actionable and transversal Sustainability Research and Innovation (CASRI), Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, 2024-2026 Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem (PROTECT BALTIC), Elina Virtanen, 2023-2028 Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA, Suvi Sojamo, 2023-2027 Accelerating algae product developments in Baltic and North Sea (AlgaePro BANOS), Kristian Spilling, 2023-2027 A plan for a eDNA digital ecosystem for the next generation of aquatic biodiversity monitoring (eDNAqua-Plan), Tiina Laamanen, 2023-2026 Infrastructure for Marine and Inland Water Research (AquaINFRA), Sampsa Koponen, 2023-2026 Information-based Strategies for LAND Remediation (ISLANDR), Jaana Sorvari, 2023-2026 Multi-layer governance performance of marine policies (PERMAGOV), Riku Varjopuro, 2023-2026 Blueprint demonstration of co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs (BLUE4ALL), Riku Varjopuro, 2023-2026 Partnership on the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC), Jaana Sorvari, 2022-2029 Water security for the planet (Water4All), Jari Silander, 2022-2029 SmartAqua4FuturE (SAFE), Jonna Piiparinen, 2022-2026 Observing and mapping marine ecosystems - next generation tools (OBAMA-NEXT), Marko Järvinen, 2022-2026 Co-operation for the convention on Biological Diversity (CO-OP4CBD), Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, 2022-2026 Improved Science-Based Maritime Spatial Planning to Safeguard and Restore Biodiversity in a coherent European MPA network (MSP4BIO), Riku Varjopuro, 2022-2025 The Biodiversity Nexus - Triggering transformative change for sustainability (BIONEXT), Jari Koskiaho, 2022-2026 Achieving Good Environmental Status for maintaining ecosystem SErvices, by ASsessing integrated impacts of cumulative pressures (GES4SEAS), Samuli Korpinen, 2022-2026. Bio Knowledge Agora: Bio-Agora for science, policy, people and biodiversity (BioAgora), Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, 2022-2027 Ecosystems and their services for an evidence-based policy and decision-making (SELINA), Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela, 2022-2027 Nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction approach within safe ecological boundaries for the Nordic and Baltic Sea EU region (NORDBALT-ECOSAFE), Seppo Hellsten, 2022-2025 A touch of Blue in the EU Research Nights for a more Sustainable Use of the Ocean (BlueNIGHTs), Ljudmila Vesikko, 2022-2024 Designing a resilient and coherent Trans-European Network for Nature and People (NaturaConnect), Maria Hällfors, 2022-2026 European Biodiversity Partnership (BIODIVERSA+), Petteri Vihervaara, 2021-2028 Horizon 2020 Climate change and future marine ecosystem services and biodiversity (FutureMARES), Markku Viitasalo, 2020–2024 Climate Relevant interactions and feedbacks: the key role of Sea Ice and Snow in the polar and global climate system (CRiceS), Letizia Tedesco, 2021–2025 Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation (MERLIN), Kristian Meissner, 2021-2025 New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean observation (NAUTILOS), Jukka Seppälä, 2020–2025 Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs (Arctic Passion), Kirsikka Heinilä, 2021–2025 Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem services in DRYing rivER networks (DRYvER), Heikki Mykrä, 2020–2025 Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network (MINKE), Jukka Seppälä, 2021–2025 Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability (PAPILLONS), Salla Selonen, 2021–2025 European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure (eLTER PLUS), Martin Forsius, 2020-2025 LIFE+ IPN Prioritized actions for promoting biodiversity targets in Finland (LIFE22-IPN-FI-Priodiversity LIFE), Tuija Mattson, 2024-2031 LIFE SIP Accelerating climate efforts and low carbon investments in Finland (LIFE22-IPC-FI-ACE LIFE), Karoliina Auvinen, 2024-2030 PlastLIFE SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy, Helena Dahlbo, 2022–2029 LIFE IP BIODIVERSEA LIFE IP – Enhancing the marine and coastal biodiversity of the Baltic Sea in Finland and promoting the sustainable use of marine resources, Markku Viitasalo, 2022–2029 Interreg programmeBaltic Sea Region Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region (APRIORA), Lauri Äystö, 2023-2027 Tackling agricultural phosphorus load by soil amendments (GYPREG), Petri Ekholm, 2023-2026 Application of biological effects methods in monitoring and assessment of contaminants in the Baltic Sea (BEACON), Kari Lehtonen, 2022-2024 Central Baltic Retrieval, recycling and preventive actions for abandoned recreational fishing gear in the Central Baltic Sea (Re:Fish), Pekka Kotilainen, 2023-2026 South Baltic Eco-designing for the coastal zone nutrient's circularity (ECONUT), Petri Ekholm, 2023-2026 EEA European Topic Centre on Biodiversity & Ecosystems 2023-2026 (ETC-BE), Samuli Korpinen, 2023-2026 European Topic Centre on Climate change Adaptation and LULUCF (ETC-CA), Stefan Fronzek, 2022-2026 European Topic Centre on Sustainability Transitions (ETC-ST), Sanna-Riikka Saarela, 2022-2026 ERDF / European Regional Development Fund (In Finnish EAKR) Happamien sulfaattimaiden tunnistaminen ja hyödyntäminen (FiksuHasu), Mirkka Visuri, 2024-2026 Uudet teknologiat uomien ja kaivosaltaiden kartoitukseen? (UOMARI), Joonas Kahiluoto, 2023-2026 Biomassat kiertoon Koillismaalla (Elodea III), Ritva Nilivaara, 2023-2025 Monimuotokosteikkojen vesistö- ja ilmastovaikutukset turvetuotannosta poistuneilla alueilla (MoVeTu), Mirkka Visuri, 2023-2025 Arvovesi 2 - Suunnittelun välineitä ja työkaluja ilmastokestävyyden vahvistamiseksi Oulujoen vesistäalueella, Mika Marttunen, 2023-2024 EAFRD / European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Veden äärellä, Timo Pyhälahti, 2024-2028 LUMOAVA - luonnon monimuotoisuus maaseudun voimavarana, Mikko Savolahti, 2024-2026 EUROSTAT Development of the building related statistics in Finland - area classifications, basic services and integration to EO data (2024-FI-GEOS-GSFIBU), Ville Helminen, 2025-2026 Capacity Building for SDG Monitoring and Reporting through Earth Observation (2023-FI-GEOS-EOSDG), Pekka Hurskainen, 2024-2026 ECOPLASMA - Developing statistics and accounts for ecosystem services, plastic waste and material flows (2023-FI-EGD), Liisa Saikkonen, 2024-2025 The GSGF in Finland - Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (2022-FI-GEOS-GSFI), Ville Helminen, 2023-2025 EMFF / European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (In Finnish EMKR, EMKVR) ENSUMER - Ennallistamistoimenpiteiden alueellinen kohdentaminen Suomen merialueilla, Elina Virtanen, 2024-2025 Satelliittitiedon hyödyntäminen (SALUPA), Eeva Bruun, 2024-2025 Kalatalouden ympäristöohjelma II (KYMPPI), Jarno Turunen, 2023-2026 Luontodirektiivin tietokokonaisuudet Itämeriportaalissa (LUOTI), Hanna Piepponen, 2023-2025 Vesiviljelyn kehittämisohjelma (VEKE), Olli Malve, 2023-2026 Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region (eMSP NBSR), Riku Varjopuro, 2021–2024 Other ongoing Kestävää kasvua Pohjois-Pohjanmaalle - vihreän siirtymän seurantajärjestelmä - kehittämisosuus (VISIO), Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen, 2024-2026 Kestävää kasvua Pohjois-Pohjanmaalle - vihreän siirtymän seurantajärjestelmä - investointiosuus (VISIO Investointi), Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen, 2024-2025 Turvetuotantoalueiden ennallistamisen ympäristövaikutusten seuranta ja arviointi (ENARI), Mirkka Visuri, 2024-2026 Kokonaiskestävyydestä elinvoimaa Ilomantsiin (SUO 2.0), Anne Holma, 2024-2026 Satakunnan muuttuvat suomaat: turvetuotannosta uusiin elinkeinoihin ja merkityksiin (Satumaa), Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela, 2023-2026 Location Innovation Hub (LIH), Mikko Hynninen, 2023-2025 FPCUP COP WATER - Tailored downstream applications/products - from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring, Eeva Bruun, 2022-2025 Metrological traceability of measurement data from nano to smallmicroplastics for a greener environment and food safety (PlasticTrace), Markus Sillanpää, 2022-2025 Published 2023-06-06 at 16:11, updated 2024-12-18 at 10:40 Suomeksi In English Topic: administration, programmes, international affairs, European Union, projects, co-operation Target group: partner, researcher Share: Feedback for the person in charge Print this page RELATED TOPICS Research and development projects