Home > Research & development > Research and development projects > EU projects > Completed EU-projects Completed EU-projects Completed projects Horizon 2020 Research DG: 7. Framework programme Research DG: 6. Framework programme Research DG: 5. Framework programme Research DG: 4. Framework programme LIFE IP LIFE+ LIFE Interreg Programme 2014–2020 Interreg Programme 2007-2013 Interreg IV Interreg III EEA ERDF / European Regional Development Fund (In Finnish EAKR) EAFRD / European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EMFF / European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (In Finnish EMKR) EUROSTAT BONUS COST European Neighbourhood Instrument, ENI CBC ENPI Other completed projects Horizon 2020 Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 (JERICO-S3), Jukka Seppälä, 2020–2024 Revealing the role of GEOSS as the default digital portal for building climate change adaptation & mitigation applications (EIFFEL), Kristin Böttcher, 2021–2023 Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond (AQUACOSM-Plus), Maiju Lehtiniemi, 2020–2024 Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories - Design Study (Jerico-DS), Jukka Seppälä, 2020–2023 EuroGEOSS Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe (E-SHAPE), Petteri Vihervaara 2019-2023 CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies (CASCADES), Stefan Fronzek, 2019-2023 An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities (Eurofleetsplus), Juha Flinkman, 2019–2023 Copernicus Assisted Lake Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service (WQeMS), Sampsa Koponen 2021–2023 Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting (MAIA), Petteri Vihervaara, 2018–2022 Advancing the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure towards ESFRI (Advance eLTER), Martin Forsius, 2017 Baltic Consortium on Promoting Gender Equality in Marine Research Organisations (Baltic Gender), Helena Valve, 2016-2020 Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health (HERA), Riikka Paloniemi, 2019–2022 Does vegetation derived organic nitrogen fuel algal blooms in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea? (DINO-DON), Anke Kremp, 2016–2017 Earth Observation-based Services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status (EOMORES), Saku Anttila, 2016–2019 Establishing a European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (EKLIPSE), Riikka Paloniemi, 2016–2020 European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER), Martin Forsius, 2015–2019 European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS), Mikael Hildén, 2016–2022 Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking (ESMERALDA), Leena Kopperoinen, 2015–2018 Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management (SeaDataCloud), Seppo Kaitala, 2016–2020 Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies (INFACT), Sari Kauppi, 2017–2021 Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects (GRACE), Kirsten Jörgensen, 2016–2019 INtegrated Spatial Planning, land use and soil management Research ActTION (INSPIRATION), Antti Rehunen, 2015–2018 Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories (JERICO NEXT), Jukka Seppälä, 2015–2019 Marine application of a new fuel cell powertrain validated in demanding arctic conditions (MARANDA), Joonatan Haukilehto, 2017–2022 Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean (AQUACOSM), Timo Tamminen, 2017–2021 Pre-Operational Marine Service Continuity in Transition towards Copernicus (MyOceanFO), Seppo Kaitala, 2014–2015 Presidency event (conference): The sustainable transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy: Creating the knowledge base - Helsinki, September 2019 (CE2019), Riina Antikainen, 2019 SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management (SeaDataCloud); Seppo Kaitala, 2016–2020 Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services (InnoForESt), Eeva Primmer, 2017-2020 Research DG: 7. Framework programme Adaptive Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems (Refresh), Ahti Lepistö, 2010–2014 Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision (POLICYMIX), Jukka Similä, 2010–2014 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for our future Environment (BESAFE), Eeva Primmer, 2011–2015 Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe (BASE), Mikael Hildén, 2012–2016 Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC), Kristin Böttcher, 2013v2016 Coastal Biomass Observatory Services (CoBiOS), Stefan Simis, 2011v2013 Developing a Knowledge Network for EUropean expertise on biodiversity and ecosystem services to inform policy making (KNEU), Heli Saarikoski, 2010–2014 Development and application of standardized methodology for PROspective Sustainability assessment of TEchnologies (Prosuite), Jyri Seppälä, 2010–2013 Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES Marine Core Services and capabilities (MyOcean), Timo Pyhälahti, 2009–2012 DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status (DEVOTES), Anna-Stiina Heiskanen 2012–2016 Distributed Infrastructure for EXPErimentation in Ecosystem Research (EXPEER), Martin Forsius, 2010–2014 Global Lakes and Land Sentinel Studies (GLASS), Sampsa Koponen, 2013–2016 GMES Service Snow and Land Ice (CryoLand), Sari Metsämäki, 2011–2015 Greenhouse gas management in European land use (GHG-Europe), Jari Liski, 2010–2013 Harmonised European Land Monitoring (HELM), Lena Hallin-Pihlatie, 2011–2013 High Resolution Freshwater Monitoring: FreshMon GMES Downstream Services (FreshMon), Sampsa Koponen, 2010–2013 Impacts and risks from higher-end scenarios: Strategies for innovative solutions (IMPRESSIONS), Timothy Carter, 2013–2018 Improving Life Cycle analysis tools for sustainability assessment in forestry, agriculture and environment technologies (ECOTOOL), Riina Antikainen, 2009–2011 Integrated assessment of air pollution supporting the revision of EU air quality legislation (APPRAISAL), Niko Karvosenoja, 2012–2015 Integrative systems to assess ecological status and recovery of water bodies (WISER), Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2009–2012 Interaction in coastal waters: a roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries (COEXIST), Juha Grönroos, 2010–2013 Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas (KnowSeas), Riku Varjopuro, 2009–2013 Logistics & Manufacturing trends and sustainable transport (LOGMAN), Sirkka Koskela, 2009–2011 Linking Impact Assessment Instruments to Sustainability Expertise (LIAISE), Tarja Söderman, 2010–2014 Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress (MARS), Marko Järvinen, 2014–2018 Marine Water Quality Information Services (AquaMar), Timo Pyhälahti, 2010–2013 Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and AdaptaTION (Mediation), Tim Carter, 2010–2013 MyOcean2 – Prototype Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service, Seppo Kaitala, 2012–2014 Open-Source tools for regional risk assessments for improved European preparedness and response at sea (OPENRISK), Jorma Rytkönen, 2016–2019 Operationalisation of Natural capital and Ecosystem Services: From concepts to real-world applications (OpenNESS), Eeva Furman, 2012–2017 Options for Delivering Ecosystem-Based Marine Management (ODEMM), Juha-Markku Leppänen, 2010–2013 Policy Influence of Indicators (POINT), Petrus Kautto, Jari Lyytimäki, 2008–2011 Preparatory project for the Life Watch infrastructure for biodiversity research (lifewatch), Martin Forsius, 2008–2011 Preparing for the domino effect in crisis situations (PREDICT), Heli Haapasaari, 2014–2017 Processing lines and operational services combining Sentinel and in-situ data for terrestrial cryosphere and boreal forest zone (SEN3APP), Olli-Pekka Mattila, 2014–2016 PROductivity TOOLs: Automated Tools to Measure Primary Productivity in European Seas (PROTOOL), Stefan Simis, 2009–2012 Regional phytoplankton ecophysiology products for coastal waters from local and satellite measurements (Phy2Coast), Stefan Simis, 2008–2010 Restoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management (REFORM), Seppo Hellsten, 2011–2015 Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal and ecological Scales (Scales), Jukka Similä, 2009–2014 Servicizing policy for resource efficient economy (SPREE), Sirkka Koskela, 2012–2015 Status and Trends of European Pollinators (STEP), Eeva Furman, 2010–2015 Strategic partnership for improved basin-scale Water quality parameter retrieval from optical Signatures (WaterS), Jukka Seppälä, 2010–2014 The European Polar Research Icebraker Consortium (ERICON), Mikael Hildén, 2008–2012 The Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas (KnowSeas), Riku Varjopuro, 2009–2013 Towards a joint European research infrastructure network for coastal observatories (JERICO), Seppo Kaitala, 2011–2015 Towards an operational GMES Land Monitoring Core Service (Geoland2), Markus Törmä, 2008–2012 Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe (URGENCHE), Niko Karvosenoja, 2011–2014 Vision and Action Plans for European Freight Transport until 2050 (freightvision), Riina Antikainen, 2008–2010 Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery (WISER), Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2009–2012 Research DG: 6. Framework programme A Long-term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network (ALTER-Net), Heikki Toivonen, 2004–2009 A new environmental accounting framework using externality data and input-output tools for policy analysis (EXIOPOL), Mikael Hildén, 2007–2011 Assessing Large-scale Environmental Risks with Tested Methods (ALARM), Risto Heikkinen, 2004–2009 Background cRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater thrEsholds (BRIDGE), , J. Gustafsson, 2005–2006 Climate Impact Research Co-ordination for a Larger Europe (CIRCLE), Tim Carter, 2005–2009 Coordination of research financed in the European Union on Flood risk management (CRUE), Jari Silander, 2004–2009 EFFective Operation in poRTS (EFFORTS), Satu Viitasalo-Frösén, 2006–2009 ENSEMBLE-based predictions of climate changes and their impacts (Ensembles), Timothy Carter, 2004–2009 European Coastel-shelf Sea Operational Observing and Forecasting System (Ecoop), Kai Myrberg, 2007–2010 European lifestyles and marine ecosystems (ELME), Anna Nöjd, Saara Bäck, 2004–2006 Integrate, Consolidate and Disseminate European Flood Risk Management Research, Coordination of research financed in the European Union on flood risk management (CRUE), Jari Silander, 2004–2009 Integrated Project to Evaluate the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems (EURO-LIMPACS), Martin Forsius, 2004–2009 Interaction between Environment and Fisheries - a Challenge to management (Ibefish), Riku Varjopuro, 2006–2007 IWRM-NET aims to implement new research activities at the national and regional levels related to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Coordination of research financed in the European Union on flood risk management , Jari Silander, 2006–2011 METhods in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research (Metier), Sirkka Tattari, 2006–2010 Modelling of Ecological Risks related to Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons (MERCW), Anu Hirvonen, 2005–2009 Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of CumuLative Stressors in Europe (NOMIRACLE), Mikael Hildén, 2004–2009 Peri-Urban Land Use Relationships - Strategies And Sustainability Assessment Tools For Urban-Rural Linkages (Plurel), Mika Ristimäki, 2007–2011 Probabilistic assessment, management and advice model for fishery management in the case of poor data availability (POORFISH), Heikki Peltonen, 2005–2008 Relationships between ecological and chemical status of surface waters (REBECCA), Seppo Rekolainen, 2003–2007 Review of existing information on the interrelations between soil and climate change (ClimSoil), Jari Liski, 2008 Scientific Knowledge for Environmental Protection - Network of Funding Agencies (SKEP), Mikael Hildén, 2005–2009 Source control of priority substances in Europe (SOCOPSE), Matti Verta, 2006–2009 The importance of sediments for the water quality of the Gulf of Finland (GOF-INTAS), Heikki Pitkänen, 15.1.2003–15.1.2006 The nitrogen cycle and its influence on the European greenhouse gas balance (NITROEUROPE), Jari Liski, 2006–2011 Thresholds of Environmental Sustainability (Thresholds), Timo Tamminen, 2005–2008 Towards a European-wide exchange Network for integrating research efforts on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Jari Silander, 2006–2010 Understanding effects of land use changes on ecosystems to halt loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction, fragmentation and degradation (Coconut), Mikko Kuussaari, 2006v2008 Water Scenarios for Europe and for Neighbouring States (SCENES), Juha Kämäri, 2006–2011 Research DG: 5. Framework programme Advanced Terrestial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling (ATEAM), Tim Carter, 2001–2003 A Study on pollution of the Kola River and its outflow into the Arctic Sea: source identification, protocol for monitoring and low cost purification measures (KOLA WATER QUALITY), Raimo Ihme, 2000–2004 Benchmark Models for the Water Framework Directive (BMW), Juha Kämäri, Marja Nykänen, 2002–2004 Carbon-Nitrogen inTERactions in forest ecosystems (CNTER), Martin Forsius, Maria Holmberg, 2001–2004 Certified reference materials for the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons in water, soil and waste (HYCREF), Pirjo Sainio, 2003–2004 Characterisation of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem: Dynamics and Function of Coastal Types (CHARM), Saara Bäck, Pirkko Kauppila, 2001–2004 Confirming the international role of Community research/ Policy Research to Identify Conditions for Optimal Functioning of the Senegal River Ecosystem in Mali, Mauritania and Senegal, 2001–2003 Corine Land Cover in Finland (CLC II), Yrjö Sucksdorff, 2002–2005 Design and Testing of DNA Microarrays to Monitor Microbial Diversity with Adequate Biodiversity Indexes, Using Cyanobacteria in Freshwater as a Model System (MIDI-CHIP), Pirjo Kuuppo, 2000–2003 Detection and Analysis of Nutrient LIMitation in coastal plankton communities across a hierarcy of temporal and physiological systemic scales (DANLIM), Timo Tamminen, Pirjo Kuuppo, Sirpa Lehtinen, 2002–2004 Development of a procedural framework for action plans to reconcile conflicts between the conservation of large vertebrates and the use of biological resources: fisheries and fish-eating vertebrates as a model case (FRAP), Riku Varjopuro, Jukka Similä, Timo Asanti, 2003–2006 Development of Generic Earth Observation Based Snow Parameter Retrieval Algorithms (ENVISNOW), Sari Metsämäki, 2002–2005 Development of Rescue Actions Based on Dam-Break Flood Analysis (RESCDAM), Timo Maijala, Mikko Huokuna, 1999–2001 Dissolved Organic Matter in Coastal Ecosystems: Transport, Dynamic and Environmental Impact (DOMAINE), 2001v2003 Earth Observation for Natura 2000+ (EON2000+), Yrjö Sucksdorff, 2001–2004 European Forum on Integrated Environmental Assessment (EFI EA –II), Juha Sarkkula, 2002v2005 Harmonised Monitoring, Reporting, and Assessment of Illegal Marine Oil Discharges (oceanides), Heli Haapasaari, 2003–2006 Intergrated Nitrogen Model for European Catchments (INCA), Ahti Lepistö, 2000–2003 Integrated water resource management for important deep European lakes and their catchment areas (EUROLAKES), Timo Huttula, Bertel Vehviläinen, 2000–2003 Near real time flood forecasting, warning and management system based on satellite radar images, hydrological and hydraulic models and in-situ data (FloodMan), Bertel Vehviläinen, Jari Silander, 2003–2006 Policy research to identify conditions for optimal functioning of the Senegal River Ecosystem in Mali, Mauritania and Senegal (RIVER POLICY), 2001–2003 Prediction of regional scenarios and uncertainties for defining European climate change risks and effects (prudence), Timothy Carter, 2001–2004 Process based Integrated Management of constructed and Riverine wetlands for Optimal control of wastewater at catchment ScalE in boreal sub-basins (PRIMROSE), Markku Puustinen, 2001–2003 Programme for a BAltic network to assess and upgrade an oPerational observing and forecAsting System in the region (PAPA), Maria Gästgifvars, 2002–2005 Significance of External/Anthropogenic Nitrogen for Central Baltic Sea N-Cycling (SIGNAL), Pirjo Kuuppo, 2000v2003 Silicate and Baltic Sea Ecosystem Response (siber), Timo Tamminen, Pirjo Kuuppo, Kristian Spilling, 2002–2005 Sustainable Improvement in Safety of Tailings Facilities (tailsafe), Jouko Saarela, 2002–2005 Systems approach to environmentally acceptable farming (AgriBMPWater), Mikael Hildén, Minna Kaljonen The Comparison of the Operating Protocols of European Proficiency Testing Schemes (COEPT), I.Mäkinen, 2003–2005 Towards European Harmonised Procedures for Quantification of Nutrient Losses from Diffuse Sources (EUROHARP), Seppo Rekolainen, 2002–2005 Transfer and fate of harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxins in European marine waters (FATE), Timo Tamminen, Pirjo Kuuppo, Pauliina Uronen, 2002–2004 Research DG: 4. Framework programme Baltic Sea System Study (BASYS), Timo Tamminen, 1996–2000 Climate, Hydrochemistry and Economics of Surface-water Systems (CHESS), Seppo Rekolainen, 1997–2000 Community Programme of Research on Environmental Hormones and Endocrine Disrupters (COMPREHEND), Tarja Nakari Comparative Analysis of Food Webs Based on Flow Networks (COMWEB), Timo Tamminen Countermeasures - Environmental and Socio-Economic Responses - Long Term Management of Radioactive Contamination in Agricultural Systems (CESER), Seppo Rekolainen Dynamic Models to predict and Scale-up the Impact of Environmental Change on Biogeochemical Cycling (DYNAMO), Juha Kämäri Planning and Management in the Baltic Sea Region with Land Information from EU (BALANS) Satellite Remote Sensing for Lake Monitoring (SALMON), Juha Kämäri, Kari Kallio Understanding Land Surface Physical Processes in the Arctic (LAPP) LIFE IP LIFE-IP on climate change mitigation - Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions in Finland (CANEMURE), Laura Saikku, 2018–2024 LIFE IP on waste - Towards circular economy in Finland (CIRCWASTE), Tuuli Myllymaa, 2016–2023 Towards Integrated Management of Freshwater Natura 2000 Sites and Habitats (FRESHABIT), Seppo Hellsten, 2016–2022 Meri LIFE IP Technical Assistance (Meri LIFE IP TA), Markku Viitasalo, 2021–2021 LIFE+ Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape (BIAS), (In Finnish), Jukka Pajala, 2012–2016 Climate Change Adaptation Tools for Environmental Risk Mitigation of Acid Sulphate Soils (CATERMASS), Kari-Matti Vuori, 2010–2012 Climate Change Community Response portal (CCCRP), Tim Carter, Maria Holmberg, 2009–2011 Climate Change Indicators and Vulnerability of Boreal Zone Applying Innovative Observation and Modeling Techniques (MONIMET), Kristin Böttcher, 2013–2017 Ex-Situ Conservation of Finnish Native Plant Species (ESCAPE), Terhi Ryttäri, 2012–2017 Guidelines for Sustainable exploitation of Aggregate Resources in Areas with Elevated Arsenic Concentrations (ASROCKS), Jaana Sorvari, 2011–2014 Improving environmental assessment by adopting good practices and tools of multi-criteria decision analysis (IMPERIA), Mika Marttunen, 2012–2015 Improving the conservation status of species-rich habitats (LH_LIFE), Species-rich LIFE, Mikko Kuussaari, 2011–2016 Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea (MARMONI), Vivi Fleming-Lehtinen, 2010–2015 Inventories and planning for marine Natura 2000 network in Finland (FINMARINET), Pasi Laihonen, 2009-2013 Kasvinsuojeluaineiden ympäristöriskien vähentäminen pohjoisissa oloissa (PesticideLife), Sari Autio, 2010–2014 Knowledge based data services -improving the life cycle and accessibility of environmental data provided for public interest (LifeData), Minna Kallio, 2011–2015 Mitigation of and Adaptation to the Climate Change in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area - From Strategy to Implementation (Julia 2030), Helena Dahlbo, 2009–2011 Mitigation of Arctic warming by controlling European BC emissions (MACEB), Kaarle Kupiainen, 2011–2013 Monitoring and assessment of carbon balance related phenomena in Finland and northern Eurasia (SnowCarbo), Olli-Pekka Mattila, 2009–2012 Participatory monitoring, forecasting, control and socio-economic impacts of eutrophication and algal blooms in River Basin Districts (GISBLOOM), Olli Malve, 2010–2013 Quantification and valuation of ecosystem services to optimize sustainable re-use for low-productive drained peatlands (LIFEPeatLandUse), Kaisa Heikkinen, 2013––2018 Reduction of waste water nitrogen load: demonstrations and modelling (N-SINK), Katri Rankinen, 2013–2017 Restoring Europe's Rivers (RESTORE), Jukka Jormola, 2010–2013 Suomen mereisen NATURA 2000 verkoston inventointi ja suunnittelu (FINMARINET), Kirsi Kostamo, Pasi Laihonen 2009–2013 Technical assistance for preparing LIFE IP on waste - Towards circular economy in finland (LIFE TA WASTE), Tuuli Myllymaa, 2015 Technical assistance for preparing Life IP on CLIMATE – Towards carbon neutral municipalities and regions in Finland (Life TA-CLIMATE Finland), Johanna Suikkanen, 2016–2017 Tools for evaluation and management of eutrophication - GisBloom (GISBLOOM), Olli Malve, 2010–2013 Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (LIFE EconomisE), Jarmo Linjama, 2017–2020 Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA), Martin Forsius, Jussi Vuorenmaa, 2009–2011 Life Best Practises in Finnish Wetlands - networking for improved wetland management (CO-OP), Timo Asanti, 2003–2005 Bothnian Bay Life -integrated management system for the Bothnian Bay (Perämeri Life), Anne Laine, 2001–2005 Coupling of CORINAIR data to cost-effective emission reduction strategies based on critical thresholds, Matti Johansson, Niko Karvosenoja, 1997–2000 Demonstration of the Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) as a Remediation Technology (DEMO-MNA), Kirsten Jörgensen, 2003–2006 Development of Assessment and Monitoring Techniques at Integrated Monitoring Sites, Martin Forsius, 1997–2000 Environmental protection in agriculture and local agenda agenda 21 applied to the River Vantaa area, Eija Lehtonen, 1998–2001 Estonia, hydrometric network, 2004 - EU Life Nature project "Conservation of Anser erythropus on European migration route" LIFE05 NAT/FIN/000105 (KILJUKAS), Timo Asanti, 2003–2008 "From Ancient to the Present Estuary, Kokemäenjoki Wetland Chain" (Kokemäenjoki), Markku Mikkola-Roos, 2006–2012 Information on and methods for water protection on rivers Target river basins of RiverLife project, 1998–2001 Integrated River Basin Management- a Network for Opimazed Water Management, Rehabilitation and Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems in Karjaajoki Area (KARJAANJOKI), Kaarle Kenttämies / Kari Kallio / Bertel Vehviläinen, 2001–2005 INtegrated river catchment management - a Network for Optimized WAter management, rehabilitation and protection of aquatic ecosystems in Karjaanjoki area (KarjaanjokiLIFE - INNOWA), Kaarle Kenttämies, Kari Kallio, Bertel Vehviläinen, 2001–2005 Integration of spatial environmental information across different themes, scales, resolutions and uses:added value of facilitating mechanisms (envifacilitate), Yrjö Sucksdorff, 2004–2006 Introduction and implementation of life cycle assessment methodology in Estonia (OSELCA), Jyri Seppälä, 2003–2005 Kiljuhanhi, Timo Asanti, 2003–2008 Kokemäenjoki-LIFE 2006–2012, Timo Asanti, 2006–2011 Lohjanjärvi, Kari Kallio, 2002–2005 Management of wetlands along the Gulf of Finland migratory flyway (Lintulahdet Life), Timo Asanti, 2003–2007 Natura 2000 network not enough to protect maritime nature (VIHTA), Markku Puustinen, 1997–2000 Oiled wildlife Vides, Markku Mikkola-Roos, 2008–2013 Risk assessment and risk management procedure for arsenic in the Tampere region (RAMAS), Eija Schultz, 2004–2007 Role of the littoral area as a part of optimal model for environmental monitoring and the involvement of local people (LIFE Vuoksi), Olli-Pekka Pietiläinen, Ansa Pilke, 2001–2004 Satelliittikuvien hyödyntäminen Lohjanjärven tilan ja kunnostustoimien tuloksellisuuden seurannassa (LOHJANJÄRVI), Kari Kallio, 2002–2005 Slovakia, waterframe directive, 2003 - The Eco-efficiency of Regions - Case Kymenlaakso (ECOREG), Matti Melanen, 2002–2004 Waste Prevention Advisory Project, Hanna Salmenperä, 1999–2002 Interreg Programme 2014–2020Baltic Sea Region Bioeconomy for Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea Region - a platform project to capitalize on the outputs of complementary transnational projects (Blue Platform), Anne-Mari Luhtanen, 2018–2022 Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance+ (ALLIANCE+), Anne-Mari Luhtanen, 2019-2021 Veterinary medication and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in the environment (VETMED), Noora Perkola, 2020 - 2021 Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea (WATERDRIVE), Sirkka Tattari, 2019–2021 Enhancing Oil Spill Response Capability in the Baltic Sea Region (OIL SPILL), Jorma Rytkönen, 2019–2021 Growing Algae Sustainably in the Baltic Sea (GRASS), Kristian Spilling, 2019–2021 Decision Aid for Marine Munitions - Practical Application (DAIMON 2), Anu Lastumäki, 2019-2021 Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping - COMPLETE, Maiju Lehtiniemi, 2017–2021 Practical implementation of the COMPLETE project outputs and tools (COMPLETE PLUS), Maiju Lehtiniemi, 2021 Reduction of Pharmaceutical Emissions from Dispersed Point Sources in Rural Areas (REPHIRA), Lauri Äystö, 2020 - 2021 Mobility and Accessibility in Rural Areas - New Approaches for developing mobility concepts in remote areas (MARA), Kari Oinonen, 2019–2021 Clear waters from pharmaceuticals - CWPharma, Noora Perkola, 2017 – 2020 Advanced manure standards for sustainable nutrient management and reduced emissions (MANURE STANDARDS), Juha Grönroos, 2017–2019 Decision Aid for Marine Munitions (DAIMON), Anu Lastumäki, 2016 - 2019 Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society Implementation (BERAS), Katri Rankinen, 2010–2013 Baltic forum for inventive Techniques for sustainable MANure processing (Baltic MANURE (BATMAN)), Juha Gröönroos, 2010–2013 Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (BaltAdapt), Markku Viitasalo, 2010–2013 Chemical Munitions Search & Assessment (CHEMsea), Raisa Turja/(Anu Lastumäki), 2011-2014 Comprehensie Policy Actions and Investments in Sustainable Solutions in Agricultural in the Baltic Sea Region (COMPASS), Sirkka Tattari, 2009–2012 Coherent Linear Infrastructures in Baltic Maritime Spatial Plans (Baltic LINes), Riku Varjopuro, 2015-2019 Control of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region (COHIBA), Ansa Pilke, 2008–2012 From theory and plans to eco-efficient and sustainable practises to improve the status of the Baltic Sea (Waterpraxis), Seppo Hellsten, 2009–2012 Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs (HAZBREF) Kaj Forsius, 2017–2020 Project cluster for reducing pollution and eutrophication in Baltic Sea waters (BALTIC IMPULSE), Ansa Pilke, 2012–2013 Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea (BRISK), Meri Hietala, 2009–2012 Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER), Jukka Seppälä, 2010–2013 Using innovation procurement and capacity building to promote Circular Economy (Circular PP), Hanna Salmenperä, 2017–2020 Central Baltic From Marine Ecosystem Accounting to Integrated Governance For Sustainable Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas (MAREA), Susanna Jernberg, 2020-2022 Achieving healthier water quality in urban small rivers of the Baltic Sea catchment by restoration of water bodies and preventing of nutrients and hazardous substances inflow from watersheds (HEAWATER), Ljumila Vesikko, 2018–2021 Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE), Riku Varjopuro, 2016–2019 ICZM Plans for Sustaining Coastal and Marine Human-ecological Networks in the Baltic Region (SustainBaltic), Petteri Vihervaara, 2016-2019 Plastic waste pathways into the Baltic Sea (BLASTIC), Outi Setälä, 2016–2018 SustainBaltic project - ICZM Plans for Sustaining Coastal and Marine Human-ecological Networks in the Baltic Region, Petteri Vihervaara, 2016–2018 Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Growth and sustainability from Northern Biopolymers (BioNorth), Anssi Karppinen, 2015–2016 Pharmaceuticals in the Northern Waters-Preparatory project (NortH2O), Kari-Matti Vuori, 2016 preparatory project BioNorth (BioNorth), Anssi Karppinen, 2015–2016 Interreg Nord SEAmless Maps and Management of the northern BOTHnian Bay (SEAmBOTH), Elina Virtanen, 2017–2020 Small-scale wastewater treatment systems: governance, efficiency, resources recovery, environment contamination risks and innovative solutions for processes optimization (ON-SITE), Ritva Nilivaara, 2019–2022 Botnia-Atlantica Vattenbalans, ekosystemtjänster och metalltransport i ett klimat i förändring (KLIVA), Marie Korppoo, 2019-2022 Seed money Clear waters from pharmaceuticals (CWPharma), Noora Perkola, 2016–2017 Contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea: assessment, remediation and management revisited (CONTAR), Kari Lehtonen, 2017–2018 Data, information and tools to identify and monitor optimal sites for the Blue Bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region (BlueBioSites), Anne-Mari Luhtanen, 2020-2021 Green Public Procurement of Pharmaceuticals for the Baltic Sea Region (GrePPP), Katriina Alhola, 2017–2018 Identification of hazardous chemicals in the IED BREFs (HAZBREF), Kaj Forsius, 2016 Impact of micropollutants emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants on Baltic Sea ecosystems and assessment of cost-benefit of advanced treatment technologies in a regional perspective (MWB - MicroWasteBaltic), Matti Leppänen, 2017–2018 Update and Recalculation of national oil spill contingency plans in the Baltic Sea (UROSCO), Jorma Rytkönen, 2020-2021 Interreg Programme 2007–2013 ACTIVE measures on WETLANDS for decreasing nutrient load in the Baltic Sea (Active Wetlands), Jari Koskiaho, 2009–2012 Applications of ecological knowledge in managing oil spill risk (Oilrisk), Harri Tukia, 2009–2012 Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance (Blue Biotech Alliance), Jukka Seppälä, 2016–2019 Baltic COMPASS - Comprehensive Policy Actions and Investments in Sustainable Solutions in Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region, Sirkka Tattari, 2009–2012 Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society Implementation (BERAS), Katri Rankinen, 2010–2013 Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness (FOODWEB), Matti Verta, 2011–2013 Baltic forum for inventive Techniques for sustainable MANure processing (Baltic MANURE), Juha Grönroos, 2010–2013 Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (BaltAdapt), Markku Viitasalo, 2010–2013 Baltwise MSP seed money project 2014 (Baltwise seed), Riku Varjopuro, 2014 Benchmarking On Contaminated Sites (BECOSI), Teija Haavisto, 2010–2013 Chemical Munitions Search and Assessment (CHEMSEA), Anu Lastumäki, Kari Lehtonen, 2011–2014 Contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea: assessment, remediation and management revisited (CONTAR), Kari Lehtonen, 2017-2018 Control of dioxin contamination in the Baltic Sea Region (CONDOR), Matti Verta, 2014 Control of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region - COHIBA, Ansa Pilke, 2009–2012 Flood mapping in the Torne River (Tornio-Pajala), Bertel Vehviläinen, 2009–2012 From theory and plans to eco-efficient and sustainable practices to improve the status of the Baltic Sea (WATERPRAXIS), Seppo Hellsten, 2009–2012 Good environmental status through regional coordination and capacity building (GES-REG), Juha-Markku Leppänen, 2011–2013 Green Public Procurement of Pharmaceuticals for the Baltic Sea Region (GrePPP), Katriina Alhola, 2017–2018 Healthy fish stocks-indicators of succesful river basin management (HealFish), Jukka Jormola, 2010–2013 Impact of micropollutants emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants on Baltic Sea ecosystems and assessment of cost-benefit of advanced treatment technologies in a regional perspective (MWB - MicroWasteBaltic), Matti Leppänen, 2017–2018 Minimizing risks of maritime oil transport (MIMIC), Jorma Rytkönen, 2011–2013 Plastic in the Baltic Sea (BLASTIC), Outi Setälä, 2014–2015 Project cluster for reducing pollution and eutrophication in Baltic Sea water (BALTIC IMPULSE), Ansa Pilke, 2012–2013 Regional administration of lake restoration initiatives (LakeAdmin), Ari Mäkelä, Ansa Pilke, 2011–2014 Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea (BRISK), Meri Hietala, 2009–2012 Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER), Jukka Seppälä, 2010–2013 Towards reduction of hazardous substances to the aquatic environment in the Baltic Sea Region (AQUACLEAN), Jukka Mehtonen, 2014–2015 Interreg IV Benchmarking on contaminated sites (BECOSI), Teija Haavisto, 2010–2013 Good environmental status through regional coordination and capacity building (GES-REG) Juha-Markku Leppänen, 2011–2013 Healthy fish stocks-indicators of succesful river basin management (HealFish), Jukka Jormola, 2010–2013 Implementation of the Central Baltic OP project Applications of ecological knowledge in managing oil spill risk (Oilrisk) Harri Tukia, 2009–2013 Minimizing risks of maritime oil transport (MIMIC), Jorma Rytkönen, 2011–2013 Regional administration of lake restoration initiatives (Lake Admin), Ansa Pilke, 2011–2014 Yksityiskohtainen tulvakartoitus Tornionjoen alajuoksulla , Översvämningskartering (Tornio-Pajala), Bertel Vehviläinen/ Vesa Kolhinen, 2009–2012 Interreg III Baltic Palette II, Eeva Furman, 2002–2004 BALtic SeA management - Nature Conservation and sustainable development of the marine Ecosystem through spatial planning (Interreg IIIB) (Balance), Saara Bäck, 2005–2007 Best Practices for the Management of an International River Basin District (Interreg IIIA) (Tornionjoki), Mika Marttunen, 2006–2008 Development and institutional implementation of a transnational monitoring system for hazardous waste streams in the Baltic Sea Region (Interreg IIIB) (Baltic Haz Control), Ulrich Jeltsch, 2004–2007 Nordkalotten Satellite Evaluation co-operation Network (Interreg IIIA) (NorSEN), Sari Metsämäki, 2005v2008 Principles, tools and systems to extend spatial planning on water courses (Interreg IIIB) (watersketch), Seppo Hellsten, 2004–2007 Protection of aquatic communities in the Gulf of Finland: risk-based policymaking – part I (Interreg IIIA) (Evagulf), Heikki Pitkänen, 2006–2007 Safe and Reliable Transport Chains of Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea Region (DaGoB), Kalervo Jolma, 2005–2007 Suomenlahden mallien hyödyntäminen operatiivisessa öljyntorjunta- ja meripelastustoiminnassa (HESPO2), 2001–2003 Suomenlahden vesiluonnon suojelu: riskipohjainen päätöksenteko - osa 1 (EVAGULF), Heikki Pitkänen, 2006–2007 Tools for water management and restoration processes (Interreg IIIC) (Lakepromo), Ilkka Sammalkorpi, 2004–2007 Transnational River Basin Districts on the Eastern Side of the Baltic Sea Network (Trabant), Ansa Pilke, 2005–2008 Trabant, (Interreg IIIB),Transnational River Basin Districts on the Eastern Side of the Baltic Sea Network (Trabant-TACIS), Ansa Pilke, 2005–2008 EEA European Topic Centre on Inland, coastal and marine waters (ETC-ICM 2021), Samuli Korpinen, 2019–2022 EEA: 2007 subvention for the European Topic Centre on Water, Saara Bäck, 2007 ETC/2014: 2007 subvention for the European Topic Centre on Water, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2014–2018 ETC/2014/EXTRA 2007 subvention for the European Topic Centre on Water, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2013–2014 ETC CCA/2013: Climate Change impacts, vulnerabilility and Adaptation, Mikael Hildén, 2011–2013 ETC CCA/2014: European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts vulnerability and adaptation 2014–2018 ETC-CCA, Mikael Hildén, 2014 - 2018 European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts vulnerability and adaptation 2014–2018 ETC-CCA (ETC CCA/2014-18), Mikael Hildén, 2015–2018 European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts vulnerability and adaptation (ETC-CCA 2021), Mikael Hilden, 2019–2021 European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2011–2014 European Topic Centre on Inland, coastal and marine waters (ETC ICM/2014-18), Samuli Korpinen, 2015–2018 GMES Initial Operations (GIO) Land monitoring 2011–2013 - Pan-EU component (CLC 2012) (GIO Land 2012), Tapani Säynätkari, 2012–2014 ETC/2013: 2007 subvention for the European Topic Centre on Water, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2011–2014 ERDF / European Regional Development Fund (In Finnish EAKR) WaterPlus – Vesistöjen puhtautta edistämässä uusin menetelmin, Joonas Kahiluoto, 2021–2023 Keraaminen purkujäte kiertotaloudessa (KERPUR), Jaakko Karvonen, 2021-2023 CircVol Suurivolyymisten sivuvirtojen ja maamassojen hyödyntäminen kaupungeissa 2 (CircVol 2), Outi Pyy, 2021–2022 Vesiruton ravinteet ja energia talteen (Elodea II), Satu Maaria Karjalainen, 2019–2021 Suurivolyymisten sivuvirtojen ja maamassojen hyödyntäminen kaupungeissa (CircVol), Outi Pyy, 2018–2020 Elinvoimaa Pohjois-Pohjanmaalle vähähiilisillä ja resurssiviisailla ratkaisuilla (VÄRE), Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen, 2018–2020 Arctic Preparedness Platform for Oil Spill and Other Environmental Accidents - APP4SEA, Jorma Rytkönen, 2017–2020 GarBot - Robotiikan ja anturitekniikan hyödyntäminen kiertotalouden mittauksissa (GarBot), Tero Väisänen, 2017–2019 Teolliset symbioosit materiaalikehitys ja Malli -Y analyysi P-Savo (TSMalliY), Jaakko Karvonen, 2017–2019 Dronet mittauksessa ja näytteenotossa (DROMINÄ), Seppo Hellsten, 2017–2018 Toimintamallit happamuuden ennakoimiseksi ja riskien hallitsemiseksi turvetuotantoalueilla (Sulfa 2), Mirkka Hadzic, 2016–2019 Kaivosvesiä vastaanottavien vesistöjen hallinta ja kunnostaminen (KaiHali), Anssi Karppinen, 2015–2018 Happamien sulfaattimaiden aiheuttamien ympäristövaikutusten vähentäminen, esiselvitys (Sulfa 1), Anssi Karppinen, 2015–2016 ToimintaMALLI yritysten elinkaaristen Ympäristövaikutusten kehittämiseksi (MALLI-Y), Johanna Niemistö (Pekka Leskinen), 2014–2017 Biologisten tarkkailumenetelmien kehittäminen turvemaiden käytön vaikutusten arviointiin (BioTar), Satu-Maaria Karjalainen, 2011–2014 Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions (Clim-Atic), Bertel Vehviläinen, 2008–2011 Continuous measurement of small metal concentrations in the water matrix (MONIWATER), Kirsti Krogerus, 2009–2011 Corine (Convention N2002.CE.16.2.AT.122), Pekka Härmä, 2002–2003 Corine Land Cover in Finland (CLC II), Yrjö Sucksdorff, 2002–2005 Ecological enhancement and improvement of recreational value of river Sanginjoki (SaKu), Raimo Ihme, 2008–2010 Energiapajun kestävä tuotanto ja käyttö (EPAJU), Raimo Heikkilä, 2012–2014 Haitallisten aineiden tutkiminen vesistöstä uusilla mittaus- ja arviointimenetelmillä (PASMA), Kirsti Krogerus, 2012–2013 Innovaatioputkesta yritystoimintaa - Cleantech innovaatioiden kaupallistaminen (Innovaatioputki), Ari Nissinen, 2008–2010 Järviruoko energiaksi, vesien tila paremmaksi Pohjois-Karjalassa (Heposelkä, Pyhäselkä ja Ätäskö) (JÄREÄ), 2011–2014, Raimo Heikkilä, Ilona Joensuu Kaivostoiminnan ja Muiden luonnonvarojen hyödyntämistapojen yhteensovittaminen kestävän kehityksen turvaamiseksi - taustaselvitys (KAMU), Raimo Heikkilä, 2014 Karvionjoen vesistön järvien kunnostustarpeen arviointi (Karvio), Ilkka Sammalkorpi, 2012 Kaupunki ja vesi 2008–2010: Sanginjoen virkistyskäyttöarvon parantaminen ja ekologinen kunnostus (SaKu), Raimo Ihme, 2008–2011 Kierrätyksestä kasvua – Pohjois-Karjalan jätealan kehittämishanke , Hanna Salmenperä, 2014–2015 Kitkajärvien monimuotoisuus, ihmisperäiset muutokset ja niiden hallinta (Kitka-MuHa), Seppo Hellsten, 2012–2015 Kohti kestävää taloutta - Pohjois-Pohjanmaan biotalouden kehittämisstrategian toteuttaminen (Kohtikestävää), Tero Väisänen, 2016–2018 Kohti öljyvapaata ja vähähiilistä Pohjois-Karjalaa (PKHINKU), Pekka Leskinen, 2015–2018 Lapin kaivoskeskittymän kumulatiivisten ympäristövaikutusten arviointi ja hallinta (Lapin Kaiku), Satu Maaria Karjalainen, 2016–2019 Levien arvokkaiden biomolekyylien ja biomassan hyödyntäminen ravinnossa rehuna ja energiana (LEVARBIO), Kristian Spilling, 2015–2017 Luonnonkivituotannon parhaat ympäristökäytännöt (Luonnonkivi BEP), Kaj Forsius, 2013–2014 Läntisen Pien-Saimaan alueen virtausten ja pumppaamon paikan selvittäminen (Pien3D), Timo Huttula, 2009–2011 Maankäytön suunnittelua palvelevan porotalouden paikkatietokannan rakentaminen ja käyttöön saaminen (POROT), Kari Oinonen, 2012–2014 Maaperän ympäristölle ja elinkeinoille aiheuttamien happamuusriskien kartoitus Kalajoen vesistöalueella (MAHAKALA), Seppo Hellsten, 2012–2014 Maastokäyttöisten tunnistusmenetelmien kehittäminen happamille sulfaattimaille (Tunnistus), Mirkka Hadzic, 2017–2020 Matalan sisäkuormitteisen järven kunnostaminen - Pyykösjärven tapaustutkimus (Pyyvesi), 2010-2013 Novel Environmental Monitoring Methods as a Business Potential (YMLI), Seppo Rekolainen, 2008–2011 New and innovative low-carbon business generates competitive advantage for companies and municipalities (VÄLKE), Jyrki Tenhunen, 2015–2017 Passiiviset hybridipuhdistusratkaisut arktisten valumavesien typen ja raskasmetallien puhdistamiseen (HybArkt), Satu Maaria Karjalainen, 2018–2020 Pienten metallipitoisuuksien mittaus jatkuvatoimisesti vesimatriisista (MONIWATER), Kirsti Krogerus, 2009–2011 Pienvesien tilan kartoitus ja tiedon hyödyntäminen vaelluskalojen palauttamisessa Iijoen valuma-alueella (PienvesiGIS), Seppo Hellsten, 2014–2015 Pohjavesien suojelun ja kiviaineshuollon yhteensovittaminen Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla - vaihe 2 (POSKI2), Tero Väisänen, 2013–2015 Pohjavesien suojelun ja kiviaineshuollon yhteensovittaminen Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla - 3 (POSKI3), Mika Sarkkinen, 2015–2016 Pohjavesivarat osana sinistä biotaloutta – mahdollisuudet monipuolisempaan hyödyntämiseen (POSIBILITI), Sanna Vienonen, 2017–2019 Pohjois-Karjalan jätealan kehittämishanke (KIERRÄTYKSESTÄ KASVUA), Hanna Salmenperä, 2014-2015 Pohjois-Karjalan materiaalivirrat ja resurssiTEHOkkuus (PKTEHO), Pekka Leskinen, 2014 Reindeer Herding GIS and Tools for Land Use Planning (TOKAT), Kari Oinonen, 2015 - 2017 Restoration of the shallow internal loaded lake -case lake Pyykösjärvi Matalan sisäkuormitteisen järven kunnostaminen - Pyykösjärven tapaustutkimus (PyyVesi), Raimo Ihme, 2010–2012 Round-year treatment of runoff from peat production areas (TuKos), Raimo Ihme, 2008–2010 Sulfaattimailla syntyvän happaman kuormituksen ennakointi- ja hallintamenetelmät (SuHE), Raimo Ihme, 2011–2014 Suomenlahden tilan muutokset – vaikutukset kalakantoihin ja kalastukseen (SUOMENLAHDEN TILA), Heikki Peltonen, 2002–2006 Tulevaisuuden kiertotalouskeskukset (6AIKA: CircHubs), Teija Haavisto, 2017–2019 Turvetuotannon valumavesien ympäristövuotinen käsittely (TuKos), Raimo Ihme, 2008–2011 Työkalu metsäbioenergian ympäristö- ja talousvaikutuksien arviointiin (METY), Antti Kilpeläinen, 2012–2014 Uudet työkalut ekologiseen rakentamiseen merellä (MERIKOMP), Kirsi Kostamo, 2017–2018 Uudet ympäristömittausmenetelmät liiketoimintamahdollisuutena (YMLI), Seppoi Rekolainen, 2008–2011 Vesien ja luonnonhoidon alueellinen ja paikallinen toteuttaminen Lounais-Suomen vesistöalueilla(VELHO 2011–2014), Mika Marttunen Visitor Center - elinvoimaa ja kestävyyttä innovaatioyhteistyöllä (Visitor Center), Raimo Ihme, 2017–2019 Vesiruton hyötykäyttö – riesasta raaka-aineeksi (Elodea), Satu Maaria Karjalainen, 2016–2017 Vähähiilinen Lappi (VÄPPI), Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen, 2018–2020 Vähähiilisyydestä kilpailuetua kunnille (VÄHÄHIKU), Ari Nissinen, 2015–2017 Vähähiilisyydestä uutta innovatiivista liiketoimintaa ja kilpailuetua yrityksille ja kunnille (VÄLKE) , Jyrki Tenhunen, 2015–2017 Water flow and the pumping station site optimization on the western part of the Lake Pien-Saimaa (Pien3D), Timo Huttula, 2009–2011 Älykäs kosteikko - liiketoiminnan mahdollisuudet (ÄKO), Raimo Heikkilä, 2014 EAFRD / European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Ympäristöviisas viljelijä, Satu Maaria Karjalainen, 2020–2023 Monipaikkainen Pohjois-Karjala (MONIPOKA) Kati Pitkänen, 2021–2022 Turvetta korvaavat uusiutuvat kuivikemateriaalit (TURVEKE), Suvi Lehtoranta, 2019-2021 Tehoa turkislannan hyödyntämiseen (TURKISTEHO), Suvi Lehtoranta, 2016–2019 Vesistöt yhdessä hyvään tilaan (VYYHTI II), Sanna Vienonen, 2016–2019 Kohti vähähiilisiä kyliä (KVK), Anne Holma, 2015–2019 Ravinnerenki, Markus Huttunen, 2015–2018 Energiapajun kestävä tuotanto ja käyttö (EPAJU), Raimo Heikkilä, 2012-2014 Ravinnehävikit euroiksi (RAE), Sanna Saarnio, 2011–2014 EMFF / European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (In Finnish EMKR) Vesiviljelyn innovaatio-ohjelma (INNOVESI), Harri Kuosa, 2018–2023 Kalankasvatuksen suunnittelu ja tutkimus Metsähallituksen merialueilla (Kalavaltio project), Harri Kuosa, 2019–2022 Kalatalouden ympäristöohjelma (Kalatalouden ympäristöohjelma), Jarno Turunen, 2017–2022 Öljyonnettomuuden merkittävyyden arvioinnin ympäristökriteerit (ÖLARVI), Kirsten Jörgensen, 2021–2022 Kadonneet pyydykset Suomen merialueilla (Kapyysi), Mika Raateoja, 2018–2020 Kalojen vierasaineiden ja vesiympäristön tilan seurannat kustannustehokkaammiksi tutkijoiden ja kalastuselinkeinon yhteistyöllä (KALAKAS), Heikki Peltonen, 2017–2019 Kalatalouden ympäristöohjelma (Kalatalouden ympäristöohjelma), Seppo Hellsten/Mirjami Kuoppala, 2017–2019 Mereisten avainelinympäristöjen suojelu – toiminnallisuudesta arvottamiseen (MERIAVAIN), Kirsi Kostamo, 2018-2021 Meren ja rantojen roskaantumisen vähentäminen (Roskatpois!), Outi Setälä, 2017–2019 Pohjavesien suojelun ja kiviaineshuollon yhteensovittaminen Lapissa (POSKI) vaihe 2 (Lapin POSKI 2), Mika Sarkkinen, 2016–2019 Suomen Meritietoportaali (Meritietoportaali), Hanna Piepponen, 2017-2020 Vesiviljelyn innovaatio-ohjelma (Innovesi), Harri Kuosa, 2016–2019 Vedenalaisen melun vaikutusalueiden selvittäminen merialuesuunnittelun tarpeisiin ja haitallisten vaikutusten vähentäminen (EMKRVAMELU), Harri Kankaanpää, 2017–2019 EUROSTAT EO based statistics for SDG land degradation indicator (2021-FI-GEOS-EOSTATS), Saku Anttila, 2022-2024 Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems and packaging materials (2020-FI-ENVECOPACK), Pekka Hurskainen, 2021–2023 Novel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials (ENVECO), Pekka Hurskainen 2020-2020 BONUS Blue Growth boundaries in novel Baltic food webs (BLUEWEBS), Laura Uusitalo (& Wilma Viljanmaa), 2017–2020 Biodiversity changes - causes, consequences and management implications (Bio-C3), Harri Kuosa, 2014–2017 Blue health and wealth from the Baltic Sea – a participatory systematic review for smart decisions (BONUS ROSEMARIE), Soile Oinonen, 2018–2020 Bridging the divide between satellite and shipborne sensing for Baltic Sea water quality assessment (FERRYSCOPE), Jenni Attila, Seppo Kaitala, 2014–2016 Decision Support Tool for management of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem (BONUS DESTONY), Vivi Fleming-Lehtinen, 2018–2020 Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking (ESMERALDA), Leena Kopperoinen, 2015–2018 Future marine assessment and monitoring of the Baltic (BONUS FUMARI), Kristian Meissner, 2018 Nutrient COcktails in COAstal zones of the Baltic Sea (COCOA), Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, 2014–2017 Policy tools for Baltic Sea nutrient management (BONUS TOOSL2SEA), Sanna-Riikka Saarela, 2018–2020 Reducing emissions by turning nutrients and carbon into benefits (BONUS RETURN), Jari Koskiaho, 2017–2020 Strategic and Operational Risk Management for Wintertime Maritime Transportation System (STORMWINDS), Pasi Laihonen, 2015–2018 Sunken wreck environmental risk assessment (SWERA), Jorma Rytkönen, 2014–2016 Sustainable SHipping and Environment in the BAltic Sea region (SHEBA), Riitta Autio, Jukka Pajala, 2015–2018 Towards improved Baltic Sea environmental assessment and monitoring (BONUS SEAM), Henrik Nygård, 2018–2020 COST Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe (CS-EU), Juhani Kettunen and Taru Peltola, 2016–2020 Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe (DNAQUA-Net), 2015–2019 COST-635, Intercafe: Conserving biodiversity - interdisciplinary iniative to reduce pan-European cormorant-fisheries conflicts (COST-635), Timo Asanti, 2004–2008 European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd (ENERGIC), ICT COST Action IC1203, Juhani Kettunen and Jari Silander, 2012–2016 Mapping and the citizen sensor (ICT COST Action TD120), Juhani Kettunen and Jari Silander, 2012–2016 European Neighbourhood Instrument, ENI CBC South-East Finland – Russia CBC Simulators for improving Cross-Border Oil Spill Response in Extreme Conditions (SIMREC), Ossi Tonteri, 2019–2022 Getting Ready for the Cross-Border Challenges: Capacity Building in Sustainable Shore Use (GetReady), Riku Varjopuro, 2019–2022 Water meets people - learn, act and influence (SEVIRA), Ljudmila Vesikko, 2018–2022 Kolarctic CBC Green Nature Based Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment (NatureBeST), Anne Holma, 2018–2021 Kolarctic Arctic Coast Bioremediation (ACBR), Anna Reunamo, 2018–2021 Remediation strategies for ultra-low sulfur fuel oil in winter conditions (RemULSFO), Anna Reunamo, 2020-2021 Karelia CBC Improvement of water resource management in the Northern Ladoga border (WaterForLife), Ilkka Pirhonen, 2020-2022 Collaborative Data and Information Exchange Network for Managing Invasive Alien Species' (DIAS), Anne Holma, 2018–2021 Eduvation for Sustainable Water Use (EDUWATER), Ljudmila Vesikko, 2018–2022 Improving the water quality for local use of water resources and ecological state in the cross-border rivers Koitajoki and Tohmajoki (TohmaKoita), Ilkka Pirhonen, 2020–2022 WasteLess Karelias (WasteLess), Kati Pitkänen, 2018–2022 Water supply and water treatment facilities improvement in Sortavala (SortWater), Ilkka Pirhonen, 2018–2022 ENPI Clean Ladoga (CLADOGA), Raimo Heikkilä, 2013-2014 Eco-efficient tourism project (ECOTOUR), Raimo Heikkilä, 2012–2014 Intellectually driven management of natural resources of Green Belt of Fennoscandia (IntellGreenBelt), Raimo Heikkilä, 2013–2014 Restoration of the Transborder Salmonid Rivers (LieToLoHi), Jukka Jormola, 2012–2014 Transboundary tool for spatial planning and conservation of the Gulf of Finland (TOPCONS), Ville Karvinen, 2012–2014 Trilateral cooperation on Environmental Challenges in the Joint Border Area (TEC) (Paatsjoki ENPI), Juha Riihimäki, 2012-2015 Winter navigation risks and oil contingency plan (WINOIL), Jorma Rytkönen, 2012–2014 Other completed projects Metrology for the recycling of Technology Critical Elements to support Europe’s circular economy agenda (MetrocycleEU), Teemu Näykki, 2021-2024 Support for a European Metrology Network on pollution monitoring (POLMO), Teemu Näykki, 2021-2024 Metrology for standardised seawater pHT measurements in support of international and European climate strategies (SApHTIES), Teemu Näykki, 2021-2024 Baltic Data Flows (Baltic Data Flows), Vivi Fleming-Lehtinen, 2020–2023 FPCUP EO-Crowd - Publication and crowdsourcing analysis of phenomena of interest in EO products, Timo Pyhälahti, 2021–2023 Arctic Black Carbon – impacting Climate and Air Pollution (ABC-iCAP), Ville-Veikko Paunu, 2022–2023 HELCOM Biodiversity, Litter, Underwater noise and Effective regional measures for the Baltic Sea (HELCOM BLUES), Henrik Nygård, 2021-2023 Metrology for monitoring endocrine disrupting compounds under the Water Framework Directive (EDC-WFD), Teemu Näykki, 2019-2023 Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive monitoring (FPCUP EO), Sampsa Koponen, 2020–2022 Knowledge Flows in Marine Spatial Planning - Sharing Innovation in Higher Education (KnowledgeFlows), Riku Varjopuro, 2019–2022 China Europe Water Platform Lot 2 Rural Water and Food Security (CEWPLot2), Jari Uusikivi, 2018–2022 Developing knowledge, policy recommendations and strengthening capacities on water management and ecological security in the frame of CEWP Lot 1 (TAIHU), Marketta Juppi, 2018–2022 Actions to evaluate and identify effective measures to reach GES in the Baltic Sea marine region (HELCOM ACTION), Samuli Korpinen, 2019-2020 Assistance in the preparation of a regionally coordinated assessment for the Baltic Sea Region (Art. 8 andArt.17 MSFD) and establishing links to Wise-Marine (HELCOM TAPAS), Samuli Korpinen, 2016–2017 Background cRiteria for the Identification of Groundwater thrEsholds (BRIDGE), Juhani Gustafsson, 2005–2006 Baltic Sea Pilot Project: Testing new concepts for integrated environmental monitoring of the Baltic Sea (BALSAM), Maiju Lehtiniemi, 2013–2015 Baltic Sea project to boost regional coherence of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments, and knowledge base for development of measures (BalticBOOST), Henrik Nygård, 2015–2016 Balex Delta 2018 (BALTEX), Jorma Rytkönen, 2017-2019 Biokaasulaitoksesta ravinteita, energiaa ja elinkeinotoimintaa maaseudulle (BioRaEE), Susanna Horn, 2017–2020 Black Carbon in the Arctic (EUA-BCA), Niko Karvosenoja, 2018–2021 Chemical risk assessment, management and recovery of the most commonly transported chemicals in the Baltic Sea (CHEMARE), Kim Dahlbo, 2014–2015 Clean Ladoga (CLADOGA), Raimo Heikkilä, 2013–2014 Consideration of Energy Efficiency in Environmental Permits Copernicus Marine Environment Service (CMEMS) Provision of in-situ Ocean Observation Products (CMEMS-TAC-INSITU), Seppo Kaitala, 2015–2020 Control of dioxin contamination in the Baltic Sea Region (CONDOR), Jukka Mehtonen, 2014 Development of an Indicator for Chemical Use Development of Rescue Actions Based on Dam-Break Floor Analysis (RESCDAM), 1999-2001 Eco-efficient tourism project (ECOTOUR), Raimo Heikkilä, 2012–2014 ENV51 Traceability for mercury measurements (METRA), Teemu Näykki, 2014 - 2017 Esiselvitys uudesta valvontateknologiasta (Valvonta 2), Markus Santasalo, 2017–2018 Establishment of the type specific reference conditions for classification of the ecological status (Twinning RefCond Slovakia), Seppo Rekolainen, 2005–2006 EUROPEAN WATER INITIATIVE - ERA-NET; Coordination of Member State research programmes in water science and technology for the developing world (Euwi), Ismo Tiainen, 2008–2010 Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP), Elise Järvenpää, 2018–2020 From existing environmental and economic data and models to experimental accounting of marine, freshwater and forest ecosystem services in Finland (2018-FI-ECOSYSTEMS), Petteri Vihervaara, 2019 Full-scale Oil Combating Exercise Related to Balex Delta 2012 (Balex Delta 2012), Heli Haapasaari, 2012–2013 GMES Initial Operations (GIO) Land monitoring 2011–2013 - Pan-EU component (CLC 2012), Tapani Säynätkari GMES Service Element Land; GMES=Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GSE-LAND), Timo Pyhälahti, 2006–2008 Horizontal and vertical integration: Implementing technical and statistical standards in the European Statistical System (ESSMETA), Elisa Paavilainen, 2015v2016 Implementation and development of key components for the assessment of Status, Pressures and Impacts, and Social and Economic evaluation in the Baltic Sea marine region (SPICE), Samuli Korpinen, 2017 Improvements of Finnish water statistics reporting (VesiVaTiRaKetti), Lauri Ahopelto/Juha Aaltonen, 2016 Intellectually driven management of natural resources of Green Belt of Fennoscandia (IntellGreenBelt), Raimo Heikkilä, 2013–2014 Intercafe: Conserving biodiversity – interdisciplinary iniative to reduce pan-European cormorant-fisheries conflicts (COST-365), Timo Asanti, 2004–2008 Joint cross-border environmental monitoring system (Eco-bridge) (Karelia CBC), Olli Malve, 2018–2020 Kestävä sikatuotanto agri-symbioosien kautta (AGRIS), Suvi Lehtoranta, 2016–2019 Kestävän liiketoiminnan edistäminen Pohjois-Karjalan kiertobiotaloudessa (KELIPK), Jaakko Karvonen, 2017–2020 Leonardo Da Vinci transfer of innovation project lifelong learning programme (VIDES), Timo Asanti, 2008–2009 Major Project on Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters Matrix reference materials for environmental analysis (ENVCRM), Teemu Näykki, 2015–2018 Metrology of ocean salinity and acidity (ENV05) (OCEAN), Teemu Näykki, 2011–2014 Modelling of Ecological Risks related to Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons (MERCW), Anu Hirvonen, 2005–2009 Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network. Lot 4: Chemistry (EMODnet Chemistry), Seppo Kaitala, 2013–2019 On- and off-site environmental impacts of runoff and erosion (COST-634); Petri Ekholm Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network. Lot 4: Chemistry (EMODnet Chemistry), Seppo Kaitala, 2013–2019 Oulujoen lohet (OuLo), Jukka Jormola, 2006–2008 PanBaltic SCOPE (PanBaltic Scope), Riku Varjopuro, 2018–2020 Pilot Evaluation on Existing Biocidal Active Substances Pilot project on Integration of Maritime Surveillance in the Northern European Sea basins (Marsuno), Heli Haapasaari, 2009–2011 Plastic in the Baltic sea (BLASTIC), Outi Setälä, 2014–2015 Preparatory Action on Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea (PLAN BOTHNIA), Pasi Laihonen, 2010–2012 Protocol Monitoring for the GMES Service Element (PROMOTE), Timo Pyhälahti, 2004–2005 Prototype of HPC/Data Infrastructure for On-demand Services (PHIDIAS), Jukka Seppälä, 2019–2022 Provision of harmonized land cover/land use information: LUCAS and national systems (LUCAS), Elise Järvenpää, 2015–2016 Provision of harmonized land use information for LUCAS from the finnish datasets (FinLucas2), Elise Järvenpää, 2016–2017 Realisation of a Unified pH Scale (Uniphied), Teemu Näykki, 2018-2021 Review of existing information on the interrelations between soil and climate change (ClimSoil), Jari Liski, 2008 Restoration of the Transborder Salmonid Rivers (LieToLoHi), Jukka Jormola, 2013–2014 S49 - Baltwise MSP seed money project 2014 (Baltwise seed), Riku Varjopuro, 2014 Saint Petersburg Oil recovery Training Centre (Sport, tacis), Kari Lampela, 2008 Siipikarjalannan käytön tehostaminen (Teholanta), Suvi Lehtoranta, 2015-2018 Strengthening of the official control in the field of soil protection (Twinning), Eija Schultz, 2008–2009 Study to promote Finnish National Common Information Sharing Environment for Maritime Surveillance (FiN-CISE), Jari Rintamaa, 2015–2017 Testing of the HARP Guidelines #6 and #9 The importance of sediments for the water quality of the Gulf of Finland (GOF-INTAS), Heikki Pitkänen, 2003–2006 Towards coherence and cross-border solutions in Baltic Maritime Spatial Plans (Baltic SCOPE), Riku Varjopuro, 2015–2017 Towards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and imsights on natural capital knowledge (ESTAT-EEA), Petteri Vihervaara, 2017–2018 Towards reduction of hazardous substances to the aquatic environment in the Baltic Sea Region (AQUACLEAN), Jukka Mehtonen, 2014–2015 Traceability for mercury measurements (MeTRa), Teemu Näykki, 2014–2017 Traceable measurements for monitoring critical pollutants under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), Pirjo Sainio, 2011–2014 Transboundary tool for spatial planning and conservation of the Gulf of Finland (TOPCONS), Kirsi Kostamo, 2012–2014 Trilateral cooperation on Environmental Challenges in the Joint Border Area (PAATSJOKI), Juha Riihimäki, 2012–2014 Turning of Nutrient Losses into Profits (RAE), Sanna Saarnio, 2011–2014 Winter navigation risks and oil contingency plan (WINOIL), Jorma Rytkönen, 2012–2014 Published 2022-07-28 at 13:45, updated 2024-12-18 at 8:55 Topic: administration, programmes, international affairs, European Union, projects, co-operation Target group: partner, researcher Share: Feedback for the person in charge Print this page RELATED TOPICS Research and development projects