Finnish Environment Institute’s environmental management system

Finnish Environment Institute’s (Syke) management system consists of the rules that guide Syke’s activities as well as Syke’s own policies, practices and guidelines. The purpose of the management system is to support Syke’s everyday operations and help develop Syke’s activities in a continuous and systematic manner. Syke’s management system has been documented in the operations manual and guidelines, which can be found on Syke’s intranet.

Syke has been issued the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14 001:2015 certificates. The management system covers Syke’s research, expert and environmental services, official duties, laboratory services, educational services, communications and publishing activities, and internal services. The management system concerns all Syke offices.

More information

Eeva Hartikainen, Quality Manager, Finnish Environment Institute

Published 2022-09-30 at 14:32, updated 2023-03-13 at 10:34