Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) accepts only e-invoices. Please send your invoice addressed to Syke as an e-invoice through OpusCapita Solutions Oy, which is the e-invoicing operator for government organisations. We accept invoice-related attachments in electronic form sent with e-invoices. The preferred file format for the attachments is pdf. Please note that an invoice sent as an email attachment is not an e-invoice.
Syke’s address for your e-invoices is:
E-invoicing address (OVT number): 003709961895
PEPPOL e-invoicing address: 0216:003709961895
Operator ID (Posti Messaging Oy): FI28768767
Syke’s Business ID: 0996189-5
Syke’s VAT-number: FI09961895
From 1 April 2021, we will only accept invoices that comply with the European standard. If, for a legitimate reason, you cannot send an invoice in accordance with the European standard within the required timeframe, you should contact Syke in order to allow for a transition period. This should be done before an order is placed or a contract concluded. However, all invoices must always meet the mandatory invoice data content requirements specified in the Value Added Tax Act.
Further information on invoice requirements and e-invoicing is available on the State Treasury website.