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Project | Published: 2024-07-22

Chemical pollution represents one of the main threats to the Baltic Sea marine environment, negatively affecting the health of its biota and vital ecological functions, and endangering its biodiversi...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Detect2Protect
Monitoring of underwater sound pressure in the Baltic Sea (PÄPSI)
Project | Published: 2024-05-30

It is anticipated that underwater noise will increase in the heavily trafficked Baltic Sea. Noise has harmful effects on marine ecosystems. Damage is particularly caused to marine mammals and fish th...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Monitoring of underwater sound pressure in the Baltic Sea (PÄPSI)
APRIORA – Improved Risk Assessment for Strategic Water Management to Reduce Micro-Pollutant Emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
Project | Published: 2024-03-11

This #MadeWithInterreg project helps to remove pollutants from our waters. The project APRIORA aims to help prioritize urban wastewater treatment plants for enhanced micropollutant remo...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > APRIORA – Improved Risk Assessment for Strategic Water Management to Reduce Micro-Pollutant Emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
Re:Fish project
Project | Published: 2023-11-17

The project Re:Fish consists of 3 separate work packages (WPs).    The project aims to retrieve abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) of recreational fishing (WP1) and...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Re:Fish project
Passive Sampler Screening of Pharmaceuticals in the Gulf of Finland (MEDGoF)
Project | Published: 2023-10-24

The goal of Finland and other Baltic Sea countries is to have a clean and thriving sea. However, various assessments have indicated that the state of the Baltic Sea is largely poor. One significant f...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Passive Sampler Screening of Pharmaceuticals in the Gulf of Finland (MEDGoF)
Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries in the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES)
Project | Published: 2022-10-26

  The BALTICITIES Project promotes the sustainable use and preservation of the Baltic Sea marine environment from a city-municipal level perspective. Using a subset of Eastern...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries in the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES)
Content page | Published: 2022-10-07

Pinja Näkki, Eeva Eronen-Rasimus, Hermanni Kaartokallio, Harri Kankaanpää, Outi Setälä, Emil Vahtera, Maiju Lehtiniemi:  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sorption and bacterial community com...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Bio-based and biodegradable plastic materials in the marine environment (UBINAM) > Publications
Experts predict top emerging impacts on ocean biodiversity
News | Published: 2022-09-12

Marine and coastal ecosystems are under unprecedented change globally, mainly attributed to already recognized human-induced factors such as overexploitation of ocean resources, climate change and env......

Same content on several places:
Current > Experts predict top emerging impacts on ocean biodiversity
Current > News > Experts predict top emerging impacts on ocean biodiversity
Research & development > Sea > Experts predict top emerging impacts on ocean biodiversity
Defining environmental criteria for the assessment of the severity of oil discharges (ÖLARVI)
Project | Published: 2022-07-21

This project focuses on developing environmental criteria for the assessment of the severity of illegal releases of oil occurring within the Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone. The outcomes of the ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Defining environmental criteria for the assessment of the severity of oil discharges (ÖLARVI)
Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Press release | Published: 2022-06-09

Information on the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is still lacking, tells a recent study by the Finnish Environment Institute and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Pl......

Same content on several places:
Current > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Current > Press releases > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Research & development > Circular economy > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Research & development > Consumption and production > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Research & development > Nature > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Research & development > Sea > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Research & development > Water > Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment
Dissertation: New approach in the assessment of impact of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents on marine environment
Press release | Published: 2022-04-05

An estimated 50,000 tons of munitions containing chemical warfare agents have been dumped in the Baltic Sea. For her doctoral dissertation, Hanna Niemikoski, a researcher at SYKE studied the accumulat......

Same content on several places:
Current > Dissertation: New approach in the assessment of impact of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents on marine environment
Current > Press releases > Dissertation: New approach in the assessment of impact of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents on marine environment
Research & development > Sea > Dissertation: New approach in the assessment of impact of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents on marine environment
Marine pollution
Content page | Published: 2023-04-06

We focus on hazardous substances in the marine environment, microbial communities in polar seas and sea ice, degradation of bioplastics, and processes related to biogeochemical cycles. Our main exper...

Research & development > Sea > Marine pollution
Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Press release | Published: 2021-09-07

In her doctoral dissertation, Pinja Näkki, a researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute, has studied risks that organisms such as bivalves living on the seafloor face from microplastics. As much ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Current > Press releases > Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Research & development > Sea > Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Press release | Published: 2021-06-21

Since 2017 CWPharma project has worked to gather and produce data on the consumption of pharmaceuticals and their concentrations in the environment, to identify the most problematic compounds and to f......

Same content on several places:
Current > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Current > Press releases > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Research & development > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Research & development > Consumption and production > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Research & development > Sea > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Biodegradable plastic polymers in ocean coastal waters – degrader communities and their enzymes (BIPOD)
Project | Published: 2021-03-18

Marine litter, particularly plastic pollution, is one of the key threats for world ocean ecosystems. Petrochemical plastics do not readily biodegrade in the marine environment, but also biodegradable...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Biodegradable plastic polymers in ocean coastal waters – degrader communities and their enzymes (BIPOD)
The discharge and environmental impacts of SBR granules from artificial turfs (TEKONURMI)
Project | Published: 2021-03-17

The most common infill material used in the constructions of artificial football turfs is styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) granulate. Evaluations from other Nordic countries suggest that artificial tur...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The discharge and environmental impacts of SBR granules from artificial turfs (TEKONURMI)
The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Press release | Published: 2020-09-03

CWPharma, a project funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, has evaluated national-level practices for take-back and disposal of unused medicines and other pharmaceutical waste, for b......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Current > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Research & development > Consumption and production > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Clear waters from pharmaceuticals – CWPharma > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Research & development > Research and development projects > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Press release | Published: 2020-08-24

Microplastics are found in all water systems and in fish, bivalve molluscs and benthic fauna. Microplastics cause stress to the aquatic organisms and may expose them to harmful substances. These were ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Current > Press releases > Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Research & development > Consumption and production > Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Research & development > Nature > Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Research & development > Sea > Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Research & development > Water > Microplastics are found in all waters, quantities in aquatic organisms and fish vary
Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Press release | Published: 2020-03-24

A report compiled by the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE has produced a clearer picture of litter in the Finnish marine environment. On beaches close to residential areas 90% of the litter visible ......

Same content on several places:
> Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Current > Press releases > Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Current > Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Research & development > Consumption and production > Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Research & development > Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Research & development > Sea > Road traffic is a significant source of microplastics
Only some biodegradable plastics actually decompose rapidly in the Baltic Sea
Press release | Published: 2019-11-14

The Finnish Environment Institute has studied how biodegradable and bio-based materials actually decompose in the Baltic Sea marine environment. A set of tests in the sea revealed that some materials ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Only some biodegradable plastics actually decompose rapidly in the Baltic Sea
Current > Press releases > Only some biodegradable plastics actually decompose rapidly in the Baltic Sea
Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Bio-based and biodegradable plastic materials in the marine environment (UBINAM) > Only some biodegradable plastics actually decompose rapidly in the Baltic Sea
Research & development > Sea > Only some biodegradable plastics actually decompose rapidly in the Baltic Sea

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