Integrated and scalable water quality data and services (Pro Quality Data)

Data fusion training


Methods and practices of environmental monitoring are changing significantly. Satellite and mobile technology, automatic sensors and modelling modernize data acquisition, storage, handling and delivery of information to clients. New systems will be predictive, automatic and work in real time. Digitalization makes it possible to build-up new kind of services and products for new user groups.


Pro Quality Data projects will provide different user groups with forecasts and latest data on quality and changes of water quality in the Baltic Sea and in Finnish lakes. The new system will be based on nearly real time data and computational algorithms that will integrate various data sources and improve the reliability of the estimates of the system state. It propagates system state and uncertainty and updates them whenever new information is available. The output from the system is presented in easy to use web based maps and graphs. Also numerical data will be available on open interfaces.

The uncertainty estimates will be used to define information value of data and to define the best timing and locations for new observations.

PQD Data fusion system chart 556px
A bigger version: Pro Quality Data


The needs of users and the requirements of system are specified. Spatiotemporal resolution is fixed and data harmonization system is set up. The precision and accuracy of measurements are specified based on sampling design and measurement errors. Data are harmonized and integrated using statistical spatiotemporal interpolation techniques and Kalman Filtering. Resulting data and their sensitivity to sampling design are visualized on web based interactive maps, grahps and worksheets and delivered to open interfaces.

Observations (satellite) and forcasts are visualized on maps and time series graphs

Models and observations

More information

  • Leading researcher Olli Malve, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
    Phone: +358 295 251 277,
  • Leading expert Jari Silander, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
    Phone: +358 295 251 277,
Published 2018-09-24 at 15:34, updated 2024-06-07 at 10:01

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