Tuomas Mattila

Leading researcher

profiilikuva 2024

D.Sc.( Engineering; Systems and Operations research), Associate professor (Agroecology, University of Helsinki)

Contact information

Email: firstname.surname@syke.fi
Tel: +358 29 525 1415

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Climate solutions
Postal address: Latokartanonkaari 11,
FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland


Present role

I’m an Ecological Engineer who is primarily helping farmers to manage their soils and field ecosystems. I have a problem-solving mindset, where I combine engineering, ecology and systems analysis. A lot of my work involves co-operation with farmers, farm advisors, and companies to apply research to practice (Research Extension approach). I have focused on a few key problems in the food system in the recent years (nutrient availability, soil structure, soil health, remote sensing, combining measurements with systems modelling).

I also participate in the sustainability assessment of renewable resource use and develop methods for managing productive ecosystems also in the future.

Research interests and expertise

  • Soil management, soil health and field ecosystems
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA), modeling of environmental impacts
  • Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling
  • Food systems and production ecosystems
  • Systems analysis, mathematics, and quantitative uncertainty assessment
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture
  • On-farm research networks (Carbon action)

Current projects

STN MULTA: Multi-benefit solutions to climate-smart agriculture (2019-2025)

Evergreen revolution with Cover Crops – best practices to enhance carbon sequestration (2021-2023, results are still published)

Novel soil management practices – key for sustainable bioeconomy and climate change mitigation (SOMPA) (-2023, results are still published)


I have published over 40 peer reviewed scientific articles, in addition to book chapters and extension reports. The latest 4 are here, the rest are in @GoogleScholar and on the University repository as well as in Zenodo (datasets and code).

Mattila, TJ., 2024. The role of peatlands in carbon footprints of countries and products. Science of the Total Environment, 947, 174552.

A., Mattila, T.J., 2024. Within-field variation of crop yield loss from cover crops. Agronomy Journal, 116(6), 2922-2933.

Mattila, T.J., Vihanto, N. 2024. Agricultural limitations to soil carbon sequestration: plant growth, microbial activity, and carbon stabilization. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 367, 108986.

Mattila, T.J., 2024. Cover crops and soil loosening are key components for managing P and C stocks in agricultural soils. Soil Use and Management 40(1), e12976

Mattila, T.J., Vihanto, N. 2024. Agricultural limitations to soil carbon sequestration: plant growth, microbial activity, and carbon stabilization. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 367, 108986.

Mattila, T.J., 2024. Cover crops and soil loosening are key components for managing P and C stocks in agricultural soils. Soil Use and Management 40(1), e12976

Mattila, T.J., 2024. Redox potential as a soil health indicator – how does it compare to microbial activity and soil structure? Plant and Soil 494 (1): 617-625.

Mattila, T.J., Girz, A.I., Pihlatie, M. 2023. Do carbon farming practices build bioavailable nitrogen pools? Soil use and Management 39 (4): 1532-1544.

Published 2024-08-20 at 14:22, updated 2024-12-11 at 13:45

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