Antti Takolander


FT (Ecology and evolutionary biology)

Contact details

Telephone: +358 295 251 206
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Nature solutions
Marine ecology group
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki, Finland

Research gate
Google scholar

Current tasks

I work as a researcher in the Marine Ecology Group of the Nature Solutions unit. My current work focuses on developing ecological indicators to monitor the environmental status and underwater biodiversity. In addition, I utilize statistical models in predicting marine species distributions.


  • Species distribution modelling 
  • ecological indicators
  • statistical modelling



I started at Syke as a researcher in June 2021. Prior to this, I worked as a researcher in the Statistical Services at Natural Resources Institute Finland. I defended my doctoral thesis in the University of Helsinki in 2018. The topic of my dissertation was the effects of climate change on Baltic Sea macroalgae.

Published 2023-06-14 at 15:20, updated 2023-06-14 at 15:31

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