M.Sc. Global Development, Univerisity of Copenhagen
Doctoral candidate, University of Lapland
Contact information
+358 29 525 2202
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Societal change
Just transformation
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki
Google Scholar
In my reserach, I focus on exploring the politics of sustainability transformations with an emphasis on conflicts and justice implications to Sámi people in Finland. I am a Doctoral Candidate in the doctoral programme ‘Arctic in a Changing World’ at the University of Lapland and hold a Master of Science in Global Development from the University of Copenhagen.
Research projects
- Protecting biodiversity through regulating trade and international business (BIO-TRADE)
- Confronting sustainability: governing forests and fisheries in the Arctic (ConSust)
- Just transition: Tackling inequalities on the way to a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food system (JUST-FOOD)
- Carbon sinks and climate benefits with controlled risks (HILMARI)
Latest publications
- Kaljonen, M., Jacobi, J., Korhonen-Kurki, K., Lukkarinen, J.P., Ott, A., Peltomaa, J., Tribaldos, T., Zähringer, J., 2023. Reflexive use of methods: a framework for navigating different types of knowledge and power in transformative research. Sustainability Science.
- Arola, T., Aulake, M., Ott, A., Lindholm, M., Kouvonen, P., Virtanen, P. and Paloniemi, R., 2023. The impacts of nature connectedness on children's well-being: Systematic literature review. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 85, 101913.
- Huttunen, S., Ojanen, M., Ott, A. and Saarikoski, H., 2022. What about citizens? A literature review of citizen engagement in sustainability transitions research. Energy Research and Social Science, 71, 102714.
- Puupponen, A., Lonkila, A., Savikurki, A., Karttunen, K., Huttunen, S. and Ott, A., 2022. Finnish dairy farmers’ perceptions of justice in transition to carbon neutral farming. Journal of Rural Studies, 90, 104-112.
- Kaljonen, M., Ott, A., Huttunen, S., Kuusela, J. and Lonkila, A., 2021. Policy mixes for more vital legume value chains: evaluation across competing policy frames. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 27(2), 1-21.